#21 Is Print Marketing Dead?

Not much of a reader? Watch the podcast episode we did for this topic!

In the digital era, where clicking ‘skip ad’ is practically a reflex, some might wonder if print marketing has rolled over and played dead. But trust us, it’s doing just fine—more than fine, actually. It’s sitting in the corner, sipping a fancy latte, and chuckling at the chaos of the digital world. Here’s the lowdown from a lively chat on our podcast, “#21 Is Print Marketing Dead?”, which proves why print marketing isn’t just surviving—it’s thriving with a smirk.

1. Nothing Beats the Feel of Real

Let’s get real—there’s something magical about holding a high-quality, snazzy business card that makes you feel like a total boss. Dori and I chatted about this, and honestly, when someone hands me a thick, textured business card, it feels like I just received an invitation to Hogwarts. It’s tangible, it’s real, and it doesn’t disappear into the digital void where forgotten emails go to die. 

Handing a business card and brochure to someone leaves a longer-lasting impact than texting someone a link to your website. If you want to be remembered, print is a great way to do that.

2. Trust Me, I’m Printed

For us small business folks, nothing screams “I’m a real business” like print materials. While anyone can whip up a website overnight (and some look like they did), investing in quality print products like brochures and rack cards adds a layer of credibility. It’s like wearing a tailored suit to a meeting—you mean business. 

3. Bullseye with Brochures

Oh, targeted marketing, how we love thee! In our podcast, Dori and I gabbed about how print lets you zero in on your audience like a hawk. Whether it’s mailing fancy postcards to upscale neighborhoods or dropping brochures in local coffee shops, print marketing lets you place your brand right into the hands of your ideal customer. It’s old school, but it’s gold.

4. The Antidote to Digital Overload

Digital fatigue is real, folks. Sometimes, it feels like if I see one more digital ad, I’ll throw my phone out the window (but let’s be honest, I won’t—I need it). That’s where print gallops in on a white horse. A physical menu in a restaurant? Need it. A real, hold-in-your-hands brochure? Gotta have it. It’s the simple joys.

5. Print + Digital = Marketing BFFs

Who said print and digital can’t be besties? Slapping a QR code on a print ad combines the best of both worlds. You get the impact of a physical item, with the convenience of digital access. It’s like having cake and eating it too, and who doesn’t want that?

Making Print Work for You

So, you’re ready to jazz up your marketing mix with some print goodness? Here’s how to not just do it, but rock it:

  • Quality is Queen: Think less is more. Invest in materials that make your brand pop and feel oh-so-luxurious in hand.
  • Know Thy Audience: Be the sniper of marketing—hyper-target your materials to land where they’ll make the most impact.
  • Make it Click: Tie in your digital efforts. A simple URL or a snazzy QR code on your print materials keeps the conversation going online.
  • Track, React, Repeat: Just like online ads, keep tabs on what’s working and tweak as you go. Who responded to what? That’s your golden ticket.
  • Get Personal: Tailor your messages. Personalized print materials feel like receiving a letter from a friend (you know, if your friend was a brochure).

The Bottom Line

Print marketing isn’t just hanging on—it’s thriving. It offers a tactile dimension that digital can’t match, creating memorable experiences that resonate with customers. So next time you’re plotting your marketing strategy, don’t count out the power of print. After all, in a digital world, something you can touch just might be the breakthrough you need.

Catch you next time for more marketing insights and probably a few laughs—because if we’re not having fun, what’s the point, right?