#22 Debunking SEO Myths
Dori & Kaity discuss popular myths about SEO and break down why they may or may not be accurate.

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Welcome to the wild world of SEO, where myths are plentiful and the truth is as elusive as a polite comment on Twitter. We’re here to slash through the jungle of misinformation with a machete of truth, humor, and a touch of sass. Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride as we debunk some of the most laughably persistent SEO myths out there!

Myth 1: “Set It and Forget It” SEO

Reality: Thinking you can do SEO once and call it a day is like planting an apple tree, walking away, and expecting a fruit salad to come find you. SEO needs nurturing, updating, and a lot of TLC to grow and thrive. It’s not a crockpot recipe, folks—leave it and forget it, and you’ll just end up with a digital mess.

Myth 2: Exact Match Keywords Are the Secret Sauce

Reality: Oh, if only it were that simple. The truth is, search engines have gotten wise to our schemes. They’ve read our diaries, they know about our keyword stuffing parties. Today, they prefer natural language—something that doesn’t sound like a robot wrote it while running low on battery. Focus on making your content readable and engaging, not cramming it with keywords like it’s a Thanksgiving turkey.

Myth 3: Social Media? More Like Anti-Social Media, Am I Right?

Reality: Just because Google claims that social signals don’t directly influence rankings doesn’t mean you should ignore social media. It’s like saying you won’t go to a party because the host won’t promise you’ll meet your soulmate there. Social media increases visibility, drives traffic, and lets you engage directly with your audience. Plus, who doesn’t love a good meme?

Myth 4: High Page Rank = I’m the King of the World!

Reality: A high page rank might make you feel like Leo on the Titanic, but it doesn’t guarantee you’ll hit the jackpot (or an iceberg). What really matters is matching the user’s intent and delivering what they actually need—not just what you think they need. Otherwise, they’ll bounce faster than a bad check.

Myth 5: HTTPS Sounds Like a Government Agency

Reality: HTTPS isn’t just for cloak-and-dagger stuff; it’s a trust signal and a ranking factor. Not using HTTPS today is like leaving your car unlocked in a parking lot with a sign that says “Free Stuff Inside.” Secure your site, and show your users (and Google) that you care about their security.