7 Website Design Ideas That Will Make Your Website Profitable

The topic of Website Design seems simple at the start but can get complicated quickly. When it comes to designing a website, there are a few things every website needs to give it the best chance at converting users and making your business money. In this post, we’ll go over 7 things that will help make your website profitable.

1. Responsive Website Design

Responsive design is one of the most critical website design techniques. Internet use surf the web using many different devices (desktops, laptops, phones, tablets, etc.), with many different screen sizes. Responsive website design allows your website content to adjust to the size of the screen it is being viewed on. This not only makes your website look better, but it helps users interact with your website properly. 

Another reason your website needs responsive design is Google. Back in 2019, Google shifted to a “mobile first” indexing process. This means Google will be reading the mobile version of your site first when it is indexing your information. This indexed information is then shown on Google search results.

Responsive website design is critical when it comes to being shown on Google. It also increases the user experience when people are interacting with your website. This is why responsive website design is one of the most critical design techniques to use on your website.

2. Provide A Positive User Experience

User experience is incredibly important for your website. If users are not having a positive experience navigating your website, you won’t convert many people. The key elements to a positive user experience include improved site speed, simple navigation, and clear calls to action. Improved site speed ensures your pages and content will load fast, and keep website visitors engaged. A slow-loading website will make visitors lose interest and leave your site. Simple navigation is critical for a positive user experience. Clear navigation helps visitors find the information they need fast and easy to increase conversion rates. Clear calls to action help website visitors convert to leads. Click-to-call buttons, simple contact forms, and more help your website visitors reach out to you. Without clear calls to action, your website visitors won’t have anyway to reach to you and purchase your products or services.

3. Consistent Branding On Your Website

Your company’s branding should be consistent across the board. If someone sees your company’s storefront, then visits your website, the colors, logos, and slogans should be consistent. You want to make sure your company is represented consistently no matter where a customer is exposed to your business (storefront, billboard, social media, etc.). Consistent branding helps establish the authority of your business and encourages trust with new customers.

For example, all of our colors are black and white, and so is our website. It would be confusing and disorienting for website visitors if our website colors were blue and red, and our logo looked completely different.

4. Choose The Right Font For Your Website

While it might seem incredibly simple, choosing the proper font for your website is very important. Normally, your headings will be in a different font than your body text. No matter which font you choose, you’ll want to make sure it’s clear and easy for visitors to read. There are many fonts available that are interesting, but also easy to read. Before publishing or editing your site, show your content to other people with your new font and make sure it’s easy on the eyes.

5. Use Visual Elements On Your Website

Keeping visitors engaged is critical to improving the conversion rate on your website. Having too much text on a page without visual elements can lead visitors to lose interest and move on to a different website. This is why you should use visual elements like images, videos, and gifs. Visual elements that deliver your content in more engaging ways help you keep users interested, gain their trust, and lead to more conversions.

6. Use Lead Capture Techniques

Lead capture techniques are a great way to collect future client information. This information will help you reach out to these past visitors so you can convert them to sales. Use elements like contact forms, email signups, and more to collect contact information from prospective customers. Once you have this information, you can use it to reach back out to these leads. 

One of the most important things to remember is not to abuse this information. Never sell the information you collect to anyone else, and don’t barrage them with useless information. Abusing someone’s contact information is a great way to lose a sale and damage your company’s reputation.

7. Implement Call To Action Buttons

When a website visitor is ready to take action, you need to make sure they can do it easily. Using lead capture techniques like call buttons, buy now options, and more will help your website visitors take action and purchase your goods or services. A website without a call to action will struggle to collect leads or sales for your business. You can have the best content and information on your website, but if visitors have no way to easily reach out to you, or purchase your products, then you won’t see much fruit from your labors. 

One of the best ways to achieve this is to put your contact information in your website’s header. If you’re running an online store, make sure you put a clear link to your shop page in your main navigation. This will ensure visitors will be able to click and take action, no matter what page they’re on.

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