5 Reasons Why Your Website Isn't Generating Leads

You have a great website that’s been up and running for a while. You have a great presence on social media and your email marketing campaigns are running smoothly. You’re bringing in lots of traffic, but people just aren’t taking that next step. What is going on?

There are several factors that could be contributing to this. Keep in mind your website is judge on several criteria, such as design, quality, copy and how easy it is to use. Your visitors have certain website expectations, realized or subconscious, and if something seems off about your website, they are unlikely to proceed with the desired action and they probably won’t come back.  

Look at these 5 reasons why you might not be generating the leads you desire and the let us know if we can help!


People come to your site and read the copy. What then? As silly as it sounds, they won’t stick around unless you give them a clear and concise next step and a reason to take that next step.

Your visitors need a strong call to action. Tell them, using bold buttons, eye catching colors or interactive form, exactly what you want them to do. “CALL NOW” “ADD TO CART” “SUBSCRIBE”. If it’s going to bring in new leads it needs to be prominent and easy to follow.


Sticking with the theme of EASY TO FOLLOW, your visitors should not be forced to figure out where they must go for the next step. If the call to action is hidden amongst a plethora of text, tucked away on the bottom of a page, chances are it will not generate the leads you’re wanting.

Keep your lead generating pages simple. Stick with uncluttered designs and minimal graphics and fields. Make sure the most important information it right in front of your visitor’s eyes and set apart from secondary information.

If you include a contact form, only request the information you need to follow up. If it takes too long to fill out, or if there are too many steps involved, visitors are like to abandon the task and move on.


I know I’m not the only one who scans through sites instead of reading everything on the page and there is a good chance your visitors are just like me – a quick scan.

Cluttered designs and excess copy combined with a lack of clear call to action will almost guarantee the loss of your readers attention as well as a valuable lead.

We find the most effective layouts are in the F shape.  The most important information is found across the top of the page and down the left side. You should set up your landing page the same way.

Place your headline at the top of the page with a form or your call to action on the right. You can then break up the other information with sub-headers or bullets points so it’s easy to scan. This method follows most people’s scanning habits and makes your lead generating elements are to miss.


You have a very short amount of time, no more than a few seconds, to convert a visitor into a customer and make a good first impression. Don’t let poorly written content or vague details drive away valuable leads.

When describing your product or service approach it as a solution to a problem and mirror your markets tone and style. If you’re in a high-end luxury business a casual tone is probably not the way to go.

Always be sure to edit and proofread your work before you publish it. If not, hire someone to do it for you. When content resonates with people, they become more engaged with the company and want to learn more.


More and more consumers and businesses are using their mobile devices to shop, keep up with the news and get in contact with service providers. Potential leads can’t convert if they’re trying to access a desktop site from a mobile device which means your site needs to keep up and follow suit.

Your website should have a responsive design. This allows landing pages and contact forms to load properly on multiple devices, from smart phones to tablets.